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Understand your attitude, then change it

Roberto Giannicola

Read time: 4 min

Have you ever noticed how people react to a stressful situation in an unproductive way? What did you notice about their behavior? What kind of effect did it have on their communication and relationships? How did you and your peers react? How do you believe you carry yourself in life, at work, under normal conditions or in stressful situations?

Imagine you have goals that were established for you and your team to accomplish during a specific period. With effort and by following specific steps you might reach your target. But even when you reach it, you realize that you are spending too much time running in circles. You and the people around you find yourselves feeling burnt out, drained and ultimately unfulfilled in your professional and private lives.

The reason this happens is because most people lack the awareness of how their attitude is working for, and against them. Most of the time, people create unneeded chaos in their working relationships and in their professional careers without realizing it. As a result, years slip by before they realize they’ve spent too much time heading in the wrong direction, and they settle for a life they tolerate, rather than celebrate. What’s even more important, is the question that many leaders, and maybe you, are beginning to ask: “What can I do to reverse these patterns?”

One way to do that is by being aware of how we describe a challenging situation and instead focus on how we can change our perspective about that challenging situation, so that it can yield different results.

To change that perspective, we need to identify patterns of behavior and their root causes, since solutions that don’t address the cause are merely short-term band-aids.

I offer an assessment that is firmly rooted in seven levels of attitudinal mindset that enable you to hold up mirrors to your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities. It provides a baseline for your current level of awareness, performance, and effectiveness. You then progress through a debriefing and orientation process that will enable you to design a road-map to help you achieve your set goals.

Your report will tell you which behavior, among the following seven levels of energy, you tend to default to in normal situations or under stress. Then, you can start making adjustments to reduce or increase them appropriately.

  1. Survive: You are affected by events and tend to fall into victim mode. You experience feelings of self-doubt, worry and guilt. You have trouble making decisions leading you to avoid facing situations that matter.

  2. Fight: You tend to react with anger and conflict, acting with defiance and holding resentment. Your approach is to control events and force your way to achieve goals, and you can be confrontational or antagonistic.

  3. Cope: You tolerate people, work and other aspects of life. You say, “everything is fine” while living a mediocre and unsatisfying, professional or private life; explaining away resentment, stress and disappointment.

  4. Serve: You are a giver, a helper, have compassion for others and like how this fuels your life. Your inclination is to foster collaboration, teamwork and loyalty. But, are you giving from a need to be accepted and liked? Are you feeling depleted too often?

  5. Inspire: You are a problem-solver, and find opportunities and answers to obstacles. You approach life and work with a positive mindset that “things will work out,” knowing how to reconcile and accept differences.

  6. Create: You are an innovator, a creative mind and possess innate intuitive abilities to understand and deeply connect with others. Moments of brilliance help you find solutions and purpose in anything.

  7. Manifest: You see the world without judgement and are a creator and visionary with the ability to see everything with complete objectivity.

Unlike personality assessments that can help you identify who you are and how you are most likely going to operate, the Energy Leadership Index Attitudinal Assessment is not as restrictive and compartmentalizing. By being aware of your attitude, you will have a base from which you can start making changes that will positively affect your professional and private relationships.

This process is not always easy and requires commitment. However, with time, you can get to a point where you are increasingly more aware of your default reactions and can take steps to change. The choice is yours.

How would this help you jump start your life and career with a fresh attitude?

To take the Energy Leadership Index Attitudinal Assessment and start changing your attitude, click here.

Roberto Giannicola - Coaching & Facilitation -

Executive Leadership & Facilitation

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